By Harry L. Cooper, Owner H. L. Cooper Pest Control
December 3, 2020
Outdoor Insect Population Control Around Your House (Perimeter Barrier Treatment) The best way to control insects inside your home is to control them outside your house. Many insects that invade our living space live and breed in our yard. Larger insects that we normally see, eats smaller insects we do not see. Insects need food, water, and shelter to survive. Removing any of the three disrupts population growth. Barrier Treatments liquids, granules, or both can eliminate insects which invade our homes. Some Barrier Treatments are target at smaller insects which are a food source for larger insects. Ants , typically lives underground and go foraging for food in our homes. Some ants will make their home in our home inside walls and stacks of newspapers, or magazines. Some ants feed on both large and small insects outside in addition to foraging in our house for food. American cockroach lives outdoors but will invade our home. This cockroach likes the mulch we keep in our flower beds, around shrubs, and trees. American cockroach loves warm moist places like water-meters, drains and sewers. They can fly and attracted to night lights on our properties from nearby trees in which they also live. BAYER has a product call “Barricor SP,” that’s label for American cockroach plus Ants except Pharaoh Ants. Barricor SP is label application for Outdoor/Perimeter Pests. Call H. L. Cooper Pest Control (804) 652-1777 office or (804) 310-6744 mobile about Perimeter Barrier Treatment. This is a Quarterly Preventive Maintenance Service Program or Plan.